Design module
The sales department "buys" services from the design department. Designers work strictly by request - the input information is a product specification with approximate values and the output is a product specification with exact values plus a bunch of 3D files.
Familiar View
Hierarchy on the left, corresponding content on the right - much like Windows Explorer. The hierarchy is actually composed of two sub-hierarchies - people and job requests. Each person has a supervisor and may have subordinate(s) and customer(s) attached. "Customers" (who are mostly the sales persons) have projects which have parts/sub-projects which act as containers for the job requests.
Powerful Search
Designers are provided with two search engines. One is used to quickly find a design request by client / project / proposal / date or by the request ID. The other is used to look for visualizations by a combination of product parameters. Thus a designer (or a sales person) is able to provide the client with some similar existing products to help him make an informed decision.
Activities Overview
The module provides aggregated information in condensed view about:
  • new requests, not yet assigned to a designer
  • active requests currently being worked on
  • partially completed requests - the exact values for the product specification are already available
  • fully completed requests - all output files are available
Gantt Chart
It helps the department chief to take a grasp of the current load on every team member.
Notifications to Clients
Designers often actively participate in the discussions with customers. The important information is stored as comments inside the request form. Designers are also encouraged to send notifications by e-mail directly through the ERP to the client regarding delayed or missing information.
Labor Tracking and Compensations
The department chief regularly logs the amount of work/time spent on each request per designer. This information is later used by the ERP to produce reports about the salary of each designer and the department's income from selling services to the sales department.
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