Marketing module
The main purpose of this module is to execute campaigns targeted to specific partitions of the customers database. There was an initiative to extend the module with ability to manage exhibition events but it was abandoned.
Fine-Grained Search
Get a company-wide list of customers by
  • country
  • client source
  • status (hot/cold)
  • type of client
  • sales person
  • tags
  • with/without a contract
  • older/newer than a date
  • exclude unsubscribed
The marketing person can issue several different searches and combine the results into a single list of recipients.
Non-Disclosure of Contacts
The marketing person (or whoever else) never sees the contact details of any customer. Otherwise it would have been too easy to steal the whole clients database.
Rich-Text Content
The marketing person usually drafts/composes the message in a word processor and then simply copy/paste it into the RichText editor. Inserting inline images is explicitly disallowed to lower the risk of treating the message as SPAM.
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