Logistic department
The sales department "buys" services from the logistic department. It works strictly by request - the input information are the approximate volumetric numbers and the destination. The output are packaging lists for one or more shipments (coordinated with the factory) and the cost from tenders between transportation companies.
Load Distribution
The main components of an artificial climbing wall are the metal construction, plywood panels and GRP forms. Components for a given wall may be distributed among several trucks/containers and components for several different walls may be combined into a single truck/container. The factory and the PM department coordinate the shipments with the logistic department as each delivery requires a tender among the transportation companies.
Shipment Dates
The dates for loading trucks/containers constantly change for various reasons - priorities changes by PM department, manufacturing issues in the factory, driver/truck changes in the last moment, etc. Logistic department maintains actual information in the ERP and full history of the changes.
Pricing Information
Transportation services have very dynamic pricing so the sales person puts an approximate price in her proposals and logistic department provides the final price after each tender. Tenders are executed on another platform outside of the ERP.
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