Materials module
This is the place where engineering department makes reservations for raw supply materials. There are various reports for the Purchasing department and for some of the top managers
Aggregated Reports
Purchasing department uses these reports (they look the same but each of them works on one of the 4 main categories for materials) to aggregate requested materials over all projects and then decide how much to order so as to prevent the factory running out of raw supplies. This decision can not be automated for far too many reasons.
Management Reports
Three things are interesting for top managers:
  • if the engineer has specified too short deadline in his request for materials - is it because of a force majeure or because the engineer forgot to do it on time
  • if there are materials requested from engineers but there is not yet a request for quote to any supplier by the purchasing department
  • if there are items in any purchasing order which are not yet included in a warehouse receipt - is it because materials are not yet arrived or because the stock keeper has forgotten to do it on time
Automated Requests for Standard Products
Artificial climbing walls have too many variable parameters so it is practically impossible to organize mass-production. But the company has a product line for kids (Funtopia) which are fairly standard and the software allows for automatic generation of the required materials based on the fixed product specification.
Feedback to Engineers
The software shows for each item in a request for materials whether there is a corresponding purchasing order and if it is completed or not. The purchasing orders contain separate items for each individual request from engineers no matter if it is the same material or not.
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