Factory module
The sales department "buys" services from the factory. Factory works strictly by request - the input information are the blueprints from the engineering department. The output are packaging lists for one or more shipments.
Upcoming Projects
Factory is constantly updated with the information about upcoming contracts to better prepare for the expected load.
Aggregated Information
Factory workers have access to all the important information from the previous stages - comments and files. The shipments are coordinated among the factory, logistic department and PM department (which takes ownership of the project once the manufacturing begins).
Feedback from Assembly
The assembly teams regularly send photos and progress updates back to the PM department and factory. The assembly work often takes place while the gym is still in the process of building and sometimes the information which was available to the engineering department is no longer actual.
Customer Claims
The module keeps history about all claims from the customer (in the form of notes and photos) plus a list of the planned corrections and their respective deadlines.
In order to maintain the guarantee, annual inspections must be regularly performed. The module provides a list of the upcoming paid and non-paid inspections per project and keeps a history of the inspection results.
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