Settings module
Many things in the ERP are being controlled through this module - accounts and their hierarchy, main menu with corresponding permissions, pricing, hourly rates of designers and engineers, holidays, product specifications, templates for client notifications, etc.
Most of the time accounts for the ERP are created by the HR department but department chiefs are allowed to create accounts, too. Accounts have a role (which indirectly defines the permissions throughout the ERP) and a level (Junior, Senior, Master, Chief). Each account also specifies who the immediate supervisor is. There is also a bunch of other attributes like contact details, RFID card, position, hourly rate (for designers and engineers), permissions to see different price levels in proposals (for sales persons), assigned equipment, allowed paid vacation during the 1st year, etc.
The unit prices are used by the price estimator to recommend a final amount for proposals - sales person is allowed to offer higher or lower price to the specific customer.
Basic and Fixed Costs
The costs are average and based on the normal cost of raw materials during the last year. There was once an attempt to automatically distribute fixed costs over the production but this proved to be too inaccurate.
Modules Permissions
Sets the order of items on the main menu, potentially hiding obsolete ones. Defines the visibility of menu items for each role/level combination.
Notification Templates
These templates are defined by the legal department and used by the ERP when a notification has to be sent to the customer by a designer/engineer (these are more formal than the usual communication conducted by sales persons)
These are needed for the "violations" report in the Task Manager (in addition to vacations and business trips).
Hourly Rates
Engineers and designers do not have fixed salaries - they are paid by the hour. The values here are used for the monthly reports of earnings.
Inter-company Prices
These again are used in the automatic reports for Design and Engineering departments regarding the charges to the Sales department for the services provided. Other inter-company services are manually charged with each individual task in the Task Manager.
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