Sales module
The main entrance into the workflow. Provides the following functionality:
Familiar View
Hierarchy on the left, corresponding content on the right - much like Windows Explorer. The hierarchy is actually composed of two sub-hierarchies - people and artifacts. Each person has a supervisor and may have subordinate(s) and customer(s) attached. Customers have projects which have parts/sub-projects which act as containers for the artifacts - offers, contracts, invoices, payments, etc.
Allows for searching by various terms - employee, customer, project, offer/contract ID, country, contact details, status of the customer, etc.
Parametric Price Calculator
The price greatly varies depending on the parameters of the product. The software is able to show the components of the price - independently for the prime cost, fixed expenses and recommended selling price.
Versioned Contract Templates
The software supports contracts in different languages and allows for changes against the base template which may also have versions valid for certain time periods. There are also bilingual templates (e.g. German on the left and English on the right).
Tracking Contract Changes
The software provides diffing functionality for contracts (much like the version control systems used by software developers) so that a supervisor can instantly see the differences made by a sales person compared to the standard template (added, changed or removed clauses).
Formal Requests to Other Departments
Ability for creating formal requests addressed to Design, Engineering, Manufacturing and Logistic departments. The request forms support comments so that most of the conversations between the departments happen inside rather than outside of the ERP.
The software supports easy sending of the offers/proposals to customers by e-mail. If the customer replies to such an email its content is automatically available as a comment (eventually with file attachments) below the body of the corresponding offer.
Annexes to Contracts
Usually these are made of several short clauses each of which may change the price up or down with a fixed amount.
Versioned Payment Plans for Invoices
Each invoice may have its own payment plan and each change to a payment plan produces a new version so the history of changes is kept. This information is then used by the cash-flow report.
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